Goldheart - Kenley Davidson

Goldhear, The Andari Chronicles - Kenley Davidson

Ela apertou os olhos para a paisagem meio terminada, virou a cabeça de lado, e sabia que algo não estava totalmente certo. Algo estava faltando. A cena não era o que ela tinha imaginado, mas também, as suas pinturas nunca eram. Elas pareciam tão reais, em seus sonhos, que ela tinha de tentar captá-las antes de que esvaíssem. Mas ela raramente conseguia.
Tradução livre

The Andari Chronicles #2
Kenley Davidson

Goldhear, The Andari Chronicles - Kenley Davidson

She squinted at the half-finished landscape, turned her head sideways, and knew there was something not entirely right. Something was missing. The scene was not quite as she’d envisioned it, but then, her paintings never were. They felt so real, in her dreams, that she had to try to catch them before they were gone. But she rarely could.

The Andari Chronicles #2
Kenley Davidson


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